Anonymous tourists showing US passports on street on sunny day

Location freedom is more than a trendy catchphrase—it’s the much loved sibling of time and financial freedom. Envision being unchained from a desk in a cold, commercial office, able to make decisions from the mountains of Montana or the cafes of Paris. 

I’ve been privileged to travel in luxury all over the world for both work and pleasure. I envisioned myself living in almost every place I’ve been. Angry when I would return home, it hit me that I needed and craved LOCATION FREEDOM!

Location freedom means seizing control over your environment, which is just as important as when you work or how much you earn.

It’s about crafting a lifestyle where your surroundings nourish your soul and boost your creativity, leading to a richer, more fulfilling life both before and after you decide to retire. 

Let’s dive into the three types of freedom that I’m working towards.

Defining the Three Siblings: Time, Financial, and Location Freedom

During my path toward early retirement, I always came back to my why, which was: FREEDOM. I wanted financial freedom, time freedom, and location freedom. These freedoms are subjective and mean different things to different people. 

Financial Freedom

The ultimate goal for many, financial freedom means having enough money and resources to live life on your own terms without worrying about finances.

It is not just about being wealthy.

It’s about having control over your finances, being able to support yourself and your loved ones, and having the flexibility to pursue your passions without worry.

It means not being tied down by debt or living paycheck to paycheck. In short, it’s the freedom to make choices based on what truly matters to you, rather than financial constraints.

Financial freedom for me means that I don’t have to work if I choose not to. For others, financial freedom might mean having enough to work less, or being debt free. 

Time Freedom

What is it really, and why do we crave it? Time freedom is the ability to have control over your own schedule and priorities.

Obviously, if you have a 9-5, you have very little control over your own schedule.

Work is your priority, and your manager or company policies control your vacation time. For me, time freedom means that I am not confined to living or structuring my entire life within the bounds of a 9-5 job. While I was lucky to have flexibility in my job, it was still a job.

I still had to prioritize my workload over my precious time. As a working mother, with two kids in daycare, sick time is important as well. But, sometimes you can’t take time and you are required to care for a sick child while also working. This is just one of many reasons why I crave time freedom.

Location Freedom

The lesser-known sibling of time and financial freedom that’s often overlooked. It’s the ability to choose where you live and work (as a digital nomad), without being tied down to a specific location or job.

This freedom allows for new experiences, cultural immersion, and a sense of adventure in life.

I want location freedom. I became obsessed with travel when I first began travelling internationally for work. After traveling extensively, I longed to explore new places, meet new people, and immerse myself in different cultures.

I fell in love with the idea of working from anywhere I wanted, and bringing my family with me. And, now, I am on the path to move my family of 4 to Portugal.

But even if you’re not interested in becoming a digital nomad, or moving abroad, location freedom can still greatly enhance your quality of life. It could also mean having the flexibility to move closer to family or friends, or even just choosing a different neighborhood that better suits your lifestyle.

How Location Independence and Financial Independence Interact

Let’s get real about the relationship between your wallet and your wanderlust, shall we? When you have control on your finances, you’re holding the keys to the kingdom—or at least to the Airbnb in that Irish oceanside town you’ve been eyeing. It’s a match made in heaven; manage your money right, and you can chase the sunset on your terms, without the nagging worry of the next paycheck.

You’re free to explore, to grow, to thrive—not despite your bank account, but because of it.

Let’s take a look at some inspirational women who are dominating this tango!

Real Stories of Digital Nomads: Living the Location Freedom Lifestyle

Delyanne the Money Coach: This woman inspires me, not only because of what she’s accomplished, but also how she empowers others to take control of their finances. Delyanne is a former lawyer who started her own business teaching others how to “Slay the Stock Market.”

Her multimillion dollar business fills such a huge educational gap–learning how to invest. She invested her way to financial freedom, and then location freedom! She moved to Portugal and is living her best damn life abroad. She has also retired her mother, which just goes to show you the incredible power of financial freedom.

Danielle the Wander Lover: When you think of a quintessential digital nomad, you probably think of someone working from the beach while sipping a cocktail, and taking time for surf breaks.

Well, that is Danielle’s life!

She teaches others how to start and scale online businesses. According to her website, she “is a business mentor, surfer, and full-time traveler.” Her multiple six-figure online business has allowed her to travel to 60 countries. What she achieved is motivational, and if you’re searching for a path to an online business, check out her website. 

The Future of Work: More Freedom, Less Rat Race

After the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work became possible. I worked for 3 years at home, successfully . Unfortunately in 2023, for some arbitrary reason the defies logic, CEOs started telling employees that they needed to return to the office. And, I don’t expect that these types of work place policies will change. 

According to a report by Owl Labs which surveyed 2,000 U.S. full time workers, 66% of them have returned to the office full time. 

This is not good news. We know that we can be more productive at home when we don’t have to exchange niceties about the weather with Suzy and Chad for 30 minutes of our day!  Plus, we save on gas and the environment by not commuting. 

But why are companies so insistent on bringing back their employees to the office? Is it really just about “face time” and being able to keep a closer eye on them? Or is there more to it?

The truth is, many companies still have a traditional mindset when it comes to work. They believe that productivity can only be achieved through strict supervision and time spent in the office. However, studies have shown that remote workers actually tend to be more productive and satisfied with their jobs.

Not only does working from home eliminate distractions and long commutes, but it also allows for a better work-life balance, which we all so desperately need

I encourage others to take their personal finances by the reigns and run towards financial independence. Right now, I have enough invested to opt out of this ridiculous mandate to return to the office to work. I have the financial freedom to choose my next path, and I want location freedom! 

The Importance of Location Freedom in Today’s Digital Era

If the idea of trading your 9-5 corporate job for a beachside workspace with a flexible work schedule is enticing, you’re not alone. Millions of people worldwide are discovering the joys and benefits of becoming digital nomads. 

Digital nomads, or remote workers, have the unique benefit of location independence, allowing them to broaden their horizons, experience new cultures, and meet dozens of new friends. 

Choosing a location-independent lifestyle means you can work on your own terms, at your own pace, and according to your own schedule.

Or, you don’t have to work at all if you have chosen that path and have the financial freedom to do so.

No longer will you be tethered to a specific location or beholden to arbitrary arrests on your time–namely email. This time is a precious, non-renewable resource! I want out of the time-for-money trade ASAP!

I want to spend my time exploring new passions, learning a foreign language, or even starting a new business! Knowing that I have an investment portfolio that can give me a paycheck each month frees me from the stress of trying to get a business to be profitable right away. 

So, we know that location freedom goes hand in hand with financial independence. Running an online business or side hustle provides a steady flow of income without the physical presence required in traditional jobs. This allows digital nomads to earn enough money wherever their home base may be like Delyanne and Danielle.

Investing in passive income streams such as index funds, rental income properties, digital products, or other business can lay the groundwork for long-term financial stability. This money freedom gives you the leverage to navigate any situation, opening the door to new opportunities and experiences.

I encourage you to read up on passive income. Start that side hustle! I love mine and will continue to work on them even after I retire from the corporate world.

Location, time, and financial freedom are closely interconnected – attaining one can often lead to achieving the others.


It’s time to ask yourself: Do you want to join the movement towards liberated living and working? Are you ready to embrace the freedom trifecta and live life on your terms? Because honestly, why settle for the rat race when you can design your life without reporting to work from 9-5. So go ahead.

Dare to dream. Dare to act.

And let’s make ‘wherever you want to be’ the address of your success story. What’s your next step? Tell me in the comments.

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