Selective Focus Photo of Pile of Assorted-title Books

Do you dream of escaping the 9-to-5 grind and taking control of your financial future? Are you tired of having to prioritize the needs of your company over your family? Are you looking for a realistic exit strategy? Then, today is your lucky day because we’re diving into the sea of knowledge that can help set you on the path to financial freedom. 

Imagine doing what you love and having both the time freedom and financial freedom. It’s not just a pipe dream—it’s a potential reality with the right knowledge.


I believe in education, both traditional and nontraditional. I consider financial literacy nontraditional education–although it needs to be taught in schools! Before learning geometry, we should be learning how to create financial security for ourselves. Unfortunately, that is not how the American educational system works. Therefore, we are left to figure this out on our own. 

The good news is that it if you’re just getting started, there is no much great information out there that can give you practical strategies and easy techniques that can help you become a self-made millionaire.

Below, I will walk you through books that give you actionable advice on topics such as: real estate investing, side hustles, passive income, money management, and building generational wealth.    

If you’re a complete beginner, think of this article as a free syllabus for the course on personal finance that you desperately need.  

We’re talking about financial freedom, my friend, and these books are your first step. If you don’t want to spend the money on these books, find these authors on their respective podcasts.

In addition, you can also find these books at your local library.

With today’s technology, you can electronically borrow many of these books directly from your phone! Many are also available as audiobooks for free through the library app Libby.

Aren’t you curious to see what life-changing secrets these authors have to share? Believe me, these books have changed my life for the better. Let’s jump in and explore how each of these books can be the catalyst to grow your wealth.

My Must Read List

“The 4-Hour Workweek” by Timothy Ferriss

Ferriss serves up some serious “lifestyle design” strategies by embracing automation and ditching outdated work norms. Work smarter, not harder.

When I first read this book, in 2009, I truly didn’t understand how I could implement many of the strategies. For example, Ferriss discusses drop shipping  and using virtual assistants. These weren’t mainstream concepts at the time, but fast forward to today, and they are more popular than ever. In fact, one of my side hustles is a version of drop shipping. 

After being in the corporate world for the past 15 years, the concept of lifestyle design is so compelling.

This book isn’t just about lounging on the beach—though that’s totally in the cards—it’s about revolutionizing your entire concept of work and life. Ferriss advocates for the ‘New Rich,’ who use savvy strategies like outsourcing and automated income to optimize their time.

He’s your guide from the 9-5 grind to life on your own terms, filled with time freedom and financial freedom.

Can you imagine trimming your workweek down to four hours? 

Let’s face it, we all want to be financially free. The idea of never having to worry about money again is incredibly appealing. But how do we get there? That’s where “The 4-Hour Workweek” comes in.

It’s not about being lazy or avoiding work, it’s about working smarter and using technology to our advantage. And let’s be real, who doesn’t want to live life on their own terms? Especially with CEOs now demanding employees return to the office.

This book will be the guide to start your journey towards true financial control. The New Rich lifestyle awaits.  And remember, it’s not just about the money, it’s about living life on your own terms and finding fulfillment in all aspects of your life. Let’s do this!

“The Simple Path to Wealth” by J.L. Collins

If you are just starting your path to financial freedom and investing, this book should be your Bible.

It is truly the best book to simplify the path to generational wealth.

Jargon-free, accessible, and straight-shooting—that’s J.L. Collins. He lays out an investing approach as simple as having your morning coffee. I’m all about “simple.” Investing does not have to be difficult. Some of us are intimidated by investing, which delays our financial success. According to the Motley Fool, 42% of Americans don’t invest. 

As an investor, you should start as early as you can because time is your best friend when investing. Why? Because the more time you allocate to investing, the longer your investments have to multiply or appreciate in worth. This is all thanks to compounding interest!

You will learn that inside Collins’ book. The Simple Path to Wealth is like finding a treasure map where X marks a comfy retirement and wealth. Collins demystifies the whole investing game, breaking it down with no corporate lingo to trip you up. 

You are probably wondering, well what is the simple path to wealth.

It’s all about index funds—those steady, reliable investment pals that won’t let you down.

By investing broadly and keeping costs low, you’re setting yourself up on a path that’s well, simple, but seriously powerful and rewarding! So, why play the stock market guessing game when Collins hands you the cheat codes to financial freedom? 

“Quit Like a Millionaire” by Kristy Shen

Shen’s book is described as a “A bulls**t-free guide to growing your wealth, retiring early, and living life on your own terms,” and I couldn’t agree more. 

At the age of 31, Kristy Shen retired with a million dollars. Her book is a practical guide on how to escape the rat race forever.  She will give you the lowdown on how she used scarcity mindset in her favor to go from rags to financial freedom.

She doesn’t just preach; she gives you actionable tips and strategies on how to retire early and live that millionaire life.

This book is the real deal, folks. It strips away the complexity of wealth-building and distills it into clear, actionable steps. Kristy’s approach is all about strategic and sensible investing. It is uncomplicated, and I realized after reading her book that since I’ve reached my FIRE number, I won’t need life insurance–or as much as I thought I did. I’m at my FIRE number, and still continue to read and learn new things.

She gives you actionable strategies on how to draw down on your retirement funds so that you can ensure it lasts you the rest of your life. This book is completely practical. This is why I can relate to it so much. It’s no B.S., and she’s not trying to sell you on an unobtainable lifestyle.

Why wait till 65 to enjoy life when you can rewrite the rules now? “Quit Like a Millionaire” isn’t just a book – it’s your roadmap to a life where you call the shots. Let’s get started, shall we?

“Passive Income Aggressive Retirement” by Rachel Richards

Rachel Richards, a former financial advisor, is also the Amazon bestselling author of Money Honey. At 27, she quit her job and was able to retire due the passive income streams she built.  That is the power of passive income! She was able to live off $17,000+ per month in passive income streams. Don’t think that you are too old to accomplish this. She will show you that it is never too late to start on this journey.  

Who said making money in your sleep was just a dream? Richards turns that dream into a full-fledged game plan. Richards breaks down the passive income hustle into bite-sized, totally doable steps. She delves into several sources of passive income: royalties, portfolio income, coin-operated machines, ads or ecommerce, and income from rental properties. 

Income while you sleep? Sign me up! Rachel Richards isn’t about that working-’til-you-drop life. Instead, she offers a step-by-step guide that you can start today to build enough passive income streams to wave goodbye to the 9-to-5.

Early retirement is on the horizon for you, and Richards is the captain steering your ship.

“Passive Income Freedom” by Gundi Gabrielle

Gundi Gabrielle, aka SassyZenGirl, is an award winning author and Founder/CEO of SassyZenGirWith. Her book “Passive Income Freedom” gives you not 5, not 10, but 23 passive income blueprints. If you are looking for ways to earn additional income, this book is the most comprehensive guide to passive income ideas. 

Gabrielle is giving you the blueprints to build your own empire of wealth.

She’s also making sure that you don’t put all your eggs in one basket; by showing you the power of diversification.

Imagine this: you’re the mastermind behind a diverse portfolio, your financial garden blooming with a variety of income streams that can thrive in any economic season. How empowering does that sound? With “Passive Income Freedom,” you’re not just reading another book—you’re unlocking a treasure chest of 23 different passive income blueprints. 

Gundi Gabrielle isn’t just your run-of-the-mill author; she’s the financial mentor you never knew you needed. She doesn’t just preach the gospel of wealth diversification; she gives you the map and the tools to create it.

“The Book on Rental Property Investing” by Brandon Turner

This book was a real game changer. It truly changed my life.

Brandon Turner shows you everything you need to know to become a real estate investor. You truly don’t need anything else–no expensive courses, just this book! 

“The Book on Rental Property Investing”  takes the mystique out of property investing, breaking down those barriers that have kept many of us thinking it’s out of reach. I thought the same until I read this book and purchased an 8 unit building. I then fixed up a couple of units and sold it in April 2021 for $300,000 more than I purchased it for. All because I read this book.

That’s what Turner is offering: real, tangible strategies to create a stream of income that’s about as passive as it gets. You don’t need to be rich to get started either. He’s all about the practical how-tos—how to find the right deals, how to manage your properties without losing your sanity, and how to pocket cash flow. It’s not just theory; it’s actionable. 

When I would tell friends about my rental property, I would get several questions about managing tenants and cash flow. Turner discusses all of that in this book. He will teach you how to quickly analyze deals to determine whether or not it is a sound investment. He will show you how to calculate the cost of a property manager into the analysis of your deal. 

There is so much more to the book. I feel that after reading it, I developed valuable skills that I can use for the rest of my life in real estate. 

Read this book, you will not be sorry. 

“Rich As F*ck” by Amanda Frances

Alright, let’s break down Amanda Frances’ “Rich As Fck”—it’s more than just a catchy title; it’s a manifesto on wealth mentality. Imagine breaking free from those old-school money myths that have been holding you back.

Frances teaches you how to remove limiting beliefs about money and step into a life where abundance is your new normal. 

I listened to the audio version of this book. Chapter 4 is all about how to manifest money. I must admit that I will listen to this chapter on repeat. It helps to get me in the right state of mind to continue to work towards my goals.

Manifestation—you’ve probably heard the buzzword, but what’s the real deal behind it? It’s about creating a vivid blueprint in your mind of where you want to go financially and then, through a blend of positive thinking and proactive action, taking the energetic path towards it. 

But it’s not just wishing; it involves adopting a mindset that attracts success, and taking the necessary steps to reach those goals. You have to have the right mindset to reach your financial goals. Some of the best ways to work on your mindset is to manifest the money and lifestyle that you want. 

Learning about mindset is just as important as learning about the stock market, real estate investments, or the world of passive income.

Don’t sleep on mindset. Amanda Frances will help get your mind right.

“Buy Buttons” by Nick Loper

Now this is a fantastic one—Nick Loper lets you in on where the ‘buy buttons’ are hidden online. Tap into them, and you might just unlock streams of income to fast track your way to time freedom and financial freedom.

And here’s the nugget of wisdom you can’t afford to overlook—Nick Loper’s “Buy Buttons” is the roadmap to making money in a digital world. Imagine every click as a chime of a cash register, every scroll a step closer to your bank balance bulking up.

This book isn’t just storytelling; it’s an actionable guide that shows you the ropes on how to tap into the power of online platforms to create income on your terms. 

He shows you that these opportunities aren’t hidden; they’re literally right under your fingertips, waiting for you to press ‘play’ on your earning potential.

Loper even has a money back guarantee!

He says that he can “guarantee you’ll find at least one “buy button” platform that you can use to generate your own job-free income stream.” If you don’t, he will buy the book back from you–no questions asked. You can’t beat that.

So, ask yourself, are you ready to turn those ‘Buy Buttons’ into your personal jackpot? The answer should be a resounding yes! 


So, what’s the common thread here? Each author shares a slice of their pie—a pie filled with the sweet fruits of passive income success. They offer not just theories but actionable plans that could revamp your approach to making money. 

Think of it this way: every page you turn, every idea you implement, is a step toward your goal—a life where “working for the weekend” becomes “living for every moment”.

And aren’t moments what it’s all about?

Before you bounce back to your daily routine, let me leave you with this thought: isn’t it time to invest in yourself and your boundless potential? Grab one, two, or all of these books. Absorb their wisdom. Then take action. Your future self will thank you—with interest.

Ready to start plotting your path to financial freedom? Thought so. Keep learning, keep growing, and most importantly, keep believing that you’re closer to financial freedom than you think. Now go and turn those pages into your passport to a wealthier life!

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